Thursday, June 2, 2011

World of Warcraft's Creepy Children of Crystal Lake

Since you guys seemed to have enjoyed my last post about Chris Houlihan's room in A Link to the Past I decided to give you guys a good Easter Eggs that is found in World of Warcraft. It is pretty creepy but it is one of my favorite secrets I have ever learned of. Enjoy!

Laid inside Elwynn Forest there is the human starting area of Goldshire, this is also the Lion's Pride Inn which is renown as being a whorehouse in Role Playing Servers. Once you get over this fact there is a layer of creepiness that surpasses all the cyber sex that has been educed in those rooms, especially when you consider that 80% of the time one party involved probably thought the other was female. But I digress, anyway at the edge of Crystal Lake there is a house which is normally empty except at a certain time. All World of Warcraft servers reset at 7:00 AM server time and if you find your way to this room you will stumble across six children standing in an interesting formation.

Yes, that's a pentagram and they are all facing the wall. I'll let you catch your breath because it gets even weirder. The music changes when you enter this room while they are in there. Several different players have accounts of strange noises on top of the music. There are even players that claim to have heard the noises of C'Thun (AQ boss) saying "you will die" and banshees screaming. Well here's the kicker, if you take the time you can follow them from the capital of Stormwind (at 7 A.M.) until they reach their home on Crystal lake at around 7:45 AM. Oh and isn't this just precious! They never break their pentagram form!

One of the additional things about the room they dwell in (only for a short time remember then they are gone) is the music that plays while they are there. Websites and players have searched for this music throughout the game and this room is the only example of any of this music being played throughout all of the world that the designers have created.

If you play the game, go check it out! It's not hard and every account hears different noises so maybe you will get something new. If not just enjoy the fact that you now know about one of the greatest Easter Eggs of our time, or at least the greatest in WoW. World of Warcraft holds oodles of Easter Eggs and it's hard to even scratch the surface of them.


  1. Very creepy stuff to put in WoW. Still, it's a cool easter egg.

  2. i don't play but i played war3 if it counts :)

  3. played this game for 2 years and never knew this.. thats crazy. allthough i did play horde haha

  4. Good post, never knew about this after playing for 5+ years.

    Check me out - Nikova on Hyjal

  5. Wow - that's really cool, never knew about this.

  6. haha no way!
    I'm about to check this out, I'll post results in a bit.

  7. sweet, i am going to check this out.

  8. wow this is the first time I hear of it, will def check it out!

  9. Cool, i'll check it out! Once i start playing wow again..:D stopped again for a few months.

  10. Wow, i've played WoW off and on since the beta back in 04 and i've never heard of this. Granted i just made my first Alliance character about 6 months ago, i still thought i'd at least hear about this. Hope you have more oddities about WoW, as i'm sure they add in more and more each patch.

  11. Oh evil pentagram children... and people thought that humans were a good race. :P

  12. Awesome. I made a post about WoW just a few days ago.

  13. YEah easter eggs are great! children of the corn kinda too.

  14. Hah, my friend showed this to me recently

  15. I never knew that. Wow thanks.

  16. Thats just weird. I noticed that too when I used to play

  17. Weird stuff. I'll check those kids out if I every resubscribe.

  18. LOL that is so creepy. I only played WoW for like a month never really got hooked into it.

  19. That's actually so awesome, wish more games would do that :)

  20. that is some creepy stuff man

  21. Saw this in a countdown of the creepiest easter eggs in video games, its pretty freaky

  22. wow never knew this one, although i quit before cata.

  23. Haha... that's pretty neat, but how did you ever discover this?

  24. Wow, easter egg, kind of creepy

  25. waw this is great; how did you find out about this?

  26. nice find i wish my account was still active so i could go check it out
    must resist temptation

  27. Gave this a try last night and i must have missed it. :( Gonna try again tomorrow.

  28. I heard that the formation of the children was changed from a pentagram in a recent patch. I heard about this easter egg waaaay back when (probably 2007?), & checked it out with my whole guild - fun memory!
